Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Oh my blog, I have been away too long.

School has started for me.  I am enrolled in six courses for the summer semester at Tidewater Community College.  I am taking all of my classes online, and it is a load of work - sixteen credit hours.

I know it will be worth it when I earn my degree, so I am pushing myself to be motivated and successful.

Summer, of course, is in the air.  This means I am due for a "blog-over" very soon, and also that I will be going for another visit to my North Carolina home.

I haven't seen my family in two months, and I am thrilled to have the ability to type here that I will be leaving tomorrow for a ten day visit with my family and friends.

I am sad to leave my Jordan, though.   Nine nights without him will be hard, as leaving him always is.  I hate to be away from him, and it has been this way since the first time we looked at one another.  Some will say we argue too much, but our petty disagreements have nothing on the love we have, a love I believe can withstand any trial, as we sure have been tested.

Speaking of tests, we are going through them still today.  We have been married over a year and still don't really have our feet on the ground.  It is hard to admit, but painfully true.  I know full well that others have far more painful trials, so I try not to complain, but if anyone reading this could just pray for us, I know my God is listening.

I have nothing else to blog at this particular moment, but I am ready for an eventful summer.

Shine Bright!
<3 Stormy