Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Well, Well, Well

Guess who hasn't blogged in a bit?

Oh, was it that obvious?

ANYWAY, it's that time again already.... BLOG-OVER!

It's Easter time, so I chose Jelly Beans, because to me, Jelly Beans are a true sign of Easter.  This is literally the only time of year I eat Jelly Beans, and they are a big memory for me because my momma would ALWAYS give them to me on Easter morning.

In other news, my trip is now just days away.  I don't leave for Disney for another week and some days, but I go to NC on Saturday!  I am a little sad to leave my Jordan, but I am also ecstatic for a long visit with my family and friends, and of course, DISNEY WORLD! I am the most excited about seeing my sister, Savannah, get excited.  She has been talking about going to "The Disney Channel" since she could talk.

I never got around to uploading my father-in-law's birthday pictures, and honestly probably won't.  If I do, it will be WAY later, but I probably won't considering they are still on my camera.  So in case I never get around to it, let's just say everyone had a good time and his favorite gift was his Sons of Anarchy shirt from Michaila.  Oh, and we ate at Lonestar.

Now it's time for an update on EJ.  He just got to go home today, so he spent his birthday in the hospital.  Jordan and I went up to see him twice this week, once on Thursday night and again on Saturday, his birthday.

Thursday night was rough. Michelle and Ed had gone, understandably, to see the rest of their kids.  Jordan and I sat with EJ for a couple hours, but while we were there the nurses had to wake him up to advance his NG tube and remove his Stem Cell catheter.  Basically, they had to push one tube further up his nose, and pull another from his groin.  The good news is he harvested enough stem cells that he only had to do one day of harvesting, the bad news is the removal of that cath was NOT pretty.  Jordan even had to step out of the room. EJ did a great job holding still, but he screamed and cried and it was absolutely horrifying.  I just stood there and held his hand and I felt so incredibly helpless.  Soon after it was over, he was right back asleep.  More strength than I have ever shown, right in front of me, by a four year old.

On Saturday, we arrived about 12:30 and gave EJ his cake and gifts and we were sitting with him, Michelle, and Ed, when Spider-Man walked in! That's right people, Spider-Man!  He came in with a walkie-talkie and told EJ he had an important call for him.  It was Captain America!  They played with him and gave him some gifts and did balloon art with him and even made him an honorary superhero.  It was so awesome!  You can see the videos on my YouTube channel. Also while we were there, Child Life came in bearing gifts for EJ and sang to him, followed by some of the medical students bringing him a life-sized Spider-Man balloon.

When the superheroes left, EJ dozed off, so us adults ran out for some dinner.  It was a great time of relaxation for us and for Ed and Michelle.  We went to Logan's, and even though the service was nothing outstanding, we had a nice time.  After dinner, Michelle and Ed went back to the hospital and Jordan and I ran to WalMart and then home.  Michelle later posted some pictures of EJ with Superman and Wonder Woman.  His team of heroes definitely came through for him on his special day.  Despite being in the hospital, he had a really good birthday.

The best part of Saturday was EJ was scanned early that morning and the results showed that his body IS responding to chemo! So far, EJ is kicking cancer in the face, just like his big sister, and I have hope and faith that he will continue to do just that.

Here's the little collage I put together of his Spider-Man and Captain America visit:

To get daily updates on our little buddy, you can follow me on Instagram, and follow EJ's journey on Facebook.

Until My Next Post, Shine Bright!,
<3 Stormy

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Two Weeks and Four Days

Well, still no picture of my mirror.  I am having technical difficulties with it, I guess.  It keeps falling off the wall.  I have to figure out a different way to hang it up, so hopefully I will have it figured out by the time I switch from St Patty's Day to Easter decor.

Also, EJ is back in the hospital.  He is having a very rough go at it after round two of his chemotherapy.  He will be in the hospital for the rest of the week, so I'm hoping to get up there to see him at least one day this week.  This is his fourth hospital stay since his diagnosis just a little over a month ago.

In lighter, happier news, I have been packed and ready to go to Disney World for weeks now.  The countdown seems to be taking forever! I am most excited to see my sister's reaction.  She has wanted to go for so long, and I am thrilled that she finally gets to go.  Nothing is sweeter to me than seeing a child's dreams come true.  We leave in two weeks and four days, and I am so excited I can hardly stand it!

My in laws are also going, with Michaila's boyfriend's family, and we just found out last night that they might take Morgan, Michaila's BFF, so that will be cool! And we might run into each other there, since we are going during the same week.

I also might run into Lindsay! I might finally get to meet her!  Lindsay and I have been internet friends for around three years now, and it really would be a dream come true to meet her in person at the place where dreams come true.  Her family is arriving in Florida at the same time mine is.

I have also been in cahoots with the Easter Bunny lately, and he has left gifts for Savannah, Michaila, Ashlynn, Aniyah, Tyler, Sawyer, Madison, Mekenzie, James, Kyra, Lacey, Macaden, and Norie right in my bedroom! I can't wait to deliver the gifts to all the wonderful kiddos.  I'm working on a really internet gift for Michelle's babies, since EJ might be in the hospital for Easter and I'll be gone.

A lot of those names are familiar to this blog, but Aniyah is a new name here.  Aniyah is a beautiful 7 month old princess that I have been babysitting.  Her mother and I are close in age and they live right down the street, so I watch baby "Niyah" while Johanna works and goes to school.  I love her!

Speaking of school, I start again pretty soon and I am determined to make it this time! My education is a dream of mine, and I really want to see it come true so that I can pursue other dreams of mine, in the career field.

This post has been all over the place, but I haven't blogged in a little while, so I wanted to just share some things here.

Until my next post, Shine Bright,
<3 Stormy