Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Tomorrow a very special person in my life turns 6 years old.  Emma Grace Bulich is a Leukemia survivor.  Jordan and I met her in October of 2011 through another little fighter friend of ours, Wes Pak.  Wes turned 7 in December and is a Neuroblastoma survivor.  We met Wes through Awareness Beads.

Anyway, I have digressed, which I am apparently great at doing.

So tomorrow is Emma's birthday.  All birthday's are special, but when a child who has fought cancer celebrates a birthday, there is something a little extra special about that moment when he/she blows out the candles.

We have gotten pretty close to Emma and her family over the past 14+ months.  We visit rather often, attend clinic visits with Emma, exchange Christmas gifts, and so on.  Emma and I even call each other "Monkey BFF". She's a pretty special little girl, and I'm pretty thankful for her.

Emma also has a big family, and we love all of them!

One of her brothers is celebrating his birthday this month too (Mathew will be 9 on January 12th), and since Jordan will most likely have to work the day of their party, we are going to celebrate with them tomorrow.

Tonight I wrapped their gifts and made Emma and Mathew each a tray of vanilla cupcakes with chocolate frosting.  I love vanilla/chocolate cupcakes.  It's a classic recipe that almost never fails to bring a smile.

Here's a sneak peak of the mini-party.  A gift for each kiddo from us, a gift for Emma from Michaila, and a special tray of cupcakes for the birthday girl and boy!

I can't wait to visit with these kiddos tomorrow.  Look for the birthday post tomorrow night!

Shine Bright,
<3 Stormy

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